The Panel on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence was established in early 1992 by the Naval Studies Board (NSB) of the National Research Council in response to a request from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL called on the NSB to establish a panel of experts in the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence to interact informally with the laboratory's research staff regarding plans, facilities, capabilities, prospects, and problems faced by the represented communities (government, academia, and industry) and to address the tasks contained in the formal terms of reference. The panel performed its task in the course of four meetings: March 26-27, 1992, at which discussions were held with Timothy Coffey and presentations were made by NRL's Information Technology Division and Human- Computer Interface Laboratory; June 24-25 and September 28-29, 1992, at which presentations were made by government and academic experts on computer science and AI research programs; and October 21-22, 1992, which included further discussions with Timothy Coffey. NRL has a considerable investment in computer science and is a node of the U.S. High Performance Computing Consortium. Its AI research laboratory was established some 20 years ago and is the only government laboratory of its kind.