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Free Download | The Angry Genie: One Man's Walk Through the Nuclear Age

Written By share_e on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 | Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This book is not for the recreational reader, indeed it is one of the most depressing and distressing documents I have ever read. Nevertheless, I urge all readers concerned with issues that impact on the survival of humanity to read it thoroughly and absorb the lessons which it so graphically presents. In terms of an indictment of our government and various vested interests, it compares favorably with J'accuse written in 1898 by Emile Zola in response to the corrupt behaivor of the French nation, government and army during the Dreyfus affair. The most horrifying event in the book, and there are many to choice from, is the description of how the Health Physics Division was subdivided after Dr. Morgan's retirement in 1972 and distributed among "other laboratory divisions where radiation protection is not a primary objective". When I read this my immediate thought was of the dismemberment of Lemuel Pitkin so brilliantly described by Nathanael West. One can only be appaled by the many destructive acts which occurred when the Angry Genie left the bottle. It is frightening that those responsible for them have, to my knowledge, never been cited for criminal irresponsibility.